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Dear friends and family of Max’s Auburn-


As of May 12, 2020 Placer County has moved into accelerated Phase 2 of "re-opening" California. This comes with MANY "Guidelines" that "Sit-Down" Restaurants (like us) need to abide by. You can find those "Guidelines" here.

The goal of statement is to let you know what we are doing as far as "re-opening" and what we are doing to ensure the safety of our employees AND our guests.

As most of you know, we are not a large corporate operation and value our team and guests as family, for this we remain overly cautious. With that being said, we will begin to provide food, wine & cocktails to go. In order to do this we will be keeping the dining room CLOSED until further notice. It’s important to state this could all change in the near future as the situation remains very fluid. We are continuing to monitor the situation constantly and will adjust our planned course of action as soon as we feel is safely possible. We will continue to operate under the notion if you’re not overly cautious you’re negligent.

In addition to the "Guidelines" for Dine-In Restaurants they have "Considerations" for Restaurants, and our response to these suggestions are as follows:

• "Display a set of clearly visible rules for customers and restaurant personnel at the restaurant entrance(s) that are to be a condition of entry. The rules could include instructions to use hand sanitizer, maintain physical distance from other customers, avoid unnecessary touching of restaurant surfaces, contact information for the local health department, and changes to restaurant services. Whenever possible, the rules should be available digitally, include pictograms, and included on/with menus." 𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙚: We will resume our cleaning/sanitizing procedures we implemented at the start of this pandemic, and will continue to go ABOVE AND BEYOND CA regulations to make sure our patrons and employees stay safe. This post serves as our "rules" notification to our customers, and will also have a printed list of our "Physical Distancing Protocol" displayed in multiple locations at the restaurant if you would like to read the document. We have also posted prominent signage throughout the customer access areas with pictograms. Additionally we are provide separate entrances for hotel guest and our local patrons along with alternate exits to prevent cross traffic and allow for above the mandated physical distancing guidelines.

• "Guests and visitors should be screened for symptoms upon arrival, asked to use hand sanitizer, and to bring and wear a face covering when not eating or drinking. Appropriate signage should also be prominently displayed outlining proper face covering usage and current physical distancing practices in use at all entrances and throughout the property." 𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙚: We WILL NOT be "screening" guests before they enter the restaurant. We are not doctors, and will not be monitoring guests health before entering the restaurant. We are STRONGLY URGING our patrons to PLEASE USE COMMON SENSE, and DO NOT enter the restaurant if you have a fever or feel sick! If you choose to wear a "face covering" that is completely up to you as we will NOT require one to enter the restaurant, nor will you be judged deciding to wear one! We however as a team have decided to prevail on the side of caution and provide face masks for our employees to add yet another level to our mitigation efforts.

• "Avoid touching others’ pens and clipboards. If possible, install transfer-aiding materials, such as shelving and bulletin boards, to reduce person-to-person hand-offs." 𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙚: We will be providing single use menus and will encourage countless payments and provide brand new Holiday Inn pens for each guest to keep upon need for credit transactions. WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE CASH TRANSACTIONS. All meals will be secured in a bag prior to pick up with gloves hands packaging it for the utmost sanitary efforts. Hands will be washed or sanitized between every transaction.

Hours of operation: Monday - Sunday 4pm - 8pm To-Go service only.

Please call (530)888-6100 or dial extension 463 from your room at the Holiday Inn to place your order. We ask you provide your cellphone number or room number to be called when your order will be ready for pick up to minimize the number of guests in the building at one time. If you are waiting in the building, please utilize the floor markings designating proper distancing.

Thank you so much for sticking with us throughout this situation and we so looking forward to the time when we are able to be together again!

With the warmest regards-
Max’s Restaurant

Max's Restaurant & Bar - 110 Grass Valley Hwy, Auburn, CA  95603                        Phone (530) 888-6100

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